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Future technologies

Which future technologies are emerging?

Videos and Webinars

Webinar 2: 03 October 2018

Topic: Learntech 2018: AI, VR, robotics
Experts: Seinäjoki City Counsillor Mikko Muilu and Oulu City Counsillor Dr. Jari Laru

Webinar 13: 22 May 2019 - more information

Topic: AI in Education. How can we resize Robots and keep humans in the loop [...]
Expert: Fabrizio Cardinali

LEA Reports on this topic

  • Report on future global market of Learntech 2030
    In this deliverable, LEA describes emerging technologies through weak signal analysis for the Learntech market 2030.

    LEA D4.3 Future_Global_Market_Final.pdf