Support for Procurers
Are you buying learning technology for schools? Interested in extra funding for procurement?
LEA can assist you to connect with other procurers with similar needs.
- Pedagogical, financial, and technical benefits
- Solutions based on real needs taking end users' feedback into account
- PCP can change, influence, and improve learning technology
- PCP places procurers (with their schools) in the "driver's seat of innovation"
- Increased competence and understanding of the learn tech market
- Direct dialogue with the suppliers
Find useful resources tailored for procurers of learning technology.
Webinar 1: 19 September 2018
Topic: What is innovation procurement?
Experts: Ellinor Wallin (EU Projekt Konsult) and Kati Clements (JYU)
Webinar 2: 03 October 2018
Topic: Learntech 2018: AI, VR, robotics
Experts: Seinäjoki City Counsillor Mikko Muilu and Oulu City Counsillor Dr. Jari Laru
Webinar 6: Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Topic: Understanding the legal aspects of joined vs. coordinated innovation procurement
Experts: Marta Coto and Sara Bedin
Webinar 7: Wednesday, 09 January 2019
Topic: Towards Easy Virtual Reality Content Creation
Expert: Jarmo Tanskanen / Visumo corporation
Webinar 9: Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Topic: What is a PIN?
Experts: Ellinor Wallin (EUPK) and Kati Clements (JYU)
Webinar 11: Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Topic: Information on how to use the Procurement Forum
Expert: Ashleigh McLennan
Webinar 12: Wednesday, 03 April 2019
Topic: Virtual Reality Innovation by VRLab
Expert: Jens Richling (VRLab Academy, Vellberg/Germany)
Webinar 14: 05 June 2019
Topic: Changing the assessment culture in schools through analytics
Expert: Markus Packalen, Qridi
Webinar 15: 19 June 2019
Topic: TechClass – Teacher’s story on Learning Environment Creation Based on Users’ Needs
Expert: Farhad Eftekhari, TechClass
Webinar 16: 18 September 2019
Topic: Open Market Consultation Methodology
Expert: Niklas Tideklev
Guidelines and recommendations to attract funding for upcoming PPI/PCP calls
LEA D2.2 Funding_report_final_M23.pdf
Description of cross border needs for a future PPI for a Personalised Learning Environment (PLE) with a focus on Science, Technology, Education and Maths (STEM) subjects
LEA D3.3 LEA_PPI_Needs_Analysis_Report_Final.pdf
Description of the necessary ICT infrastructure required in classrooms to successfully introduce and use PLEs
LEA D3.4 Framework for Technical Infrastructure and Needs Workshop Methodologies.pdf
Report on the state of the art in learning technology, based on eight company case studies and the stage of innovation reached by their PLEs
LEA D4.1 State of Art analysis_final.pdf
Report recommending tools for increasing dialogue and defragmentation of public demand. In addition, a dialogue process model involving all key stakeholders of the innovative procurement is presented
LEA D4.2 Recommendations_on_Digital_tools_final.pdf
A template invitation to tender/request for tenders, designed to be used in a joint PPI
An overview of guidelines, recommendations, strategies and methodologies on how to do open market consultation
LEA D6.4 Open Market Consultation Final.pdf
How does innovation procurement work?
1. Understanding Innovation Procurement: Instruments and Definitions
2. Innovation Driven Procurement Procedures: Common Elements
Understanding Innovation Procurement
What are the legal aspects?
1. Main Features and Framework of PPI
2. Innovation Partnerships
3. Innovation Partnerships vs. PCP/PPI
4. Joint/Coordinated Procuremen
Understanding the legal framework
Steps for PPI Preparation – Open Market Consultation
How to do Open Market Consultation
Steps for PPI Preparation – How to define awarding criteria?
How to define award criteria, including examples
Steps for PPI Preparation – Successful business cases
Case study examples of PPI from Dream School and the HAPPI Project
- Austria: E.N.T.E.R. (
- Sweden: EUPK, Ellinor Wallin (; mobile phone +46 730 791862
- Finland: JYU, Kati Clements (
- Germany OVGU, Rita Freudenberg ( and ICLEI, Ashleigh McLennan (
- Spain: Ajuntament de Viladecans, Sonia Dominguez (
- Portugal: INOVA+ (;
- Hungary: INNOVA (
- Italy: Sara Bedin (
- Belgium: SERN (