LEA webinar series 2018
Learntech Accelerator Webinar series in Autumn 2018
LEA Webinars talk about innovation procurement in the learning technology field. In these webinars you will learn about innovation procurement instruments such as PCP, PPI, innovation partnerships, what is currently available in the learning technology market 2018 and how to apply for additional funding. In each webinar, Innovation procurement and learning technology experts will discuss these topics for about 15-20 minutes, after which participants can join the discussion.
The first webinar session takes place on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at 10:30 am
Topic: What is innovation procurement? What is PCP and PPI?
Experts: Ellinor Wallin (EU Project consult), Dr. Kati Clements (University of Jyväskylä)
Listening to LEA Webinars is free at: https://connect.jyu.fi/lea/ (Adobe Connect)
Every other Wednesday at 10:30am CET
Recordings will be available at https://www.learntechaccelerator.org/resources after the sessions end.
Join the discussion online and remember to follow LEA: @leaaccelerator (twitter, instagram, facebook)