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LEA interacts at Swedish (Nordic) EDTECH industry market event

On the 22 of May, the Swedish EDTECH industry and Jannie Jeppeson arranged a dynamic event during the Gothenburg Tech Week to unleash the potential of EDTECH, inviting speakers such as the following:

Senior researcher Carl Heath from RISE. He talked about the challenge of fast moving technology development versus a slow adoption in our educational systems.

Karin Bjerde from the fast growing Kognity. She provided generous tips to other EDTECH companies on how to succeed globally.

Hege Tollerud from Oslo Medtech who, together with Swedish EDTECH, forms Nordic Edtech Alliance, invited to Nordic EDTECHDay on the 26 of September 2018.

With a common ambition to speed up knowledge sharing and growth for digital education, LEA looks forward to a future collaboration with these dynamic clusters and members.

Are you a personalised learning environment provider? Are you a Learning technology buyer/procurer? Please contact us for more information: coordinator@learntechaccelerator.org